Thursday, July 26, 2007

Pigment Starter Kits

These period pigment kits are made by a group of Scribes in Northshild. Period pigments already mixed into paints and available at about $25 per 10 color set. Neat!

Windhaven Scribal Guild

Monday, July 23, 2007

Scroll Update

Good morning dear Scribes !

I was happy to be able to catch up with a few scribes at Art-Sci just a week ago and I'm hoping everybody else I missed is enjoying a lovely summer
[with or without Harry Potter :o) ].
'Thank you' to everybody who turned in scrolls at Art-Sci. Your help is invaluable and your assistance make this office a pleasure to hold. I returned
home with a veritable stack of scrolls, ready to be sorted into the big black portfolio or to be handed over to the wonderful calligraphers among us, and
was able to update the list to help determine which award scrolls we need to create in the weeks to come to help fulfill Their Majesties' requests.

Award scrolls needed :

Honors (simple illumination: illuminated capital)
- Lion D'Or
- Trimarian Lancer
- Crown's Acclaim for Heraldic Display

Non-Armigerous Awards (slightly more complex than honors: a simple one-sided border, a more complex illuminated capital)
- Emerald Seas
- Argent Estoile
- Argent Morningstar
- Argent Trefoil
- Order of the Bard's Laureate (please don't specify which ie not Poet Laureate, etc.)
- Order of the Cross of St Joan
- Herald's Tressure for Heralds
- Golden Galleon for Feast Chefs
- Silver Saddle
- Watchful Flame

Kingdom Armigerous Awards (more complex than non-armigerous awards: 2-sided border and illuminated capital or small miniature, or 4-sided border)
- Argent Scales
- Trade Winds
- Silver Shield
- Award of Arms

Illumination blanks are -always- welcome :o)

Friday, July 20, 2007

More on Medieval bestiary

From the webpage : "The texts listed here are believed to be in the public domain. They have been scanned from the original sources and converted to text. Most are in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files, so to read them, you will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader (version 4+), available from the Adobe Web site. Some documents are also available as simple text files, which can be opened with any word processor."

An Account of the Μυρμηκολέων or Ant-lion
Animal Symbolism in Ecclesiastical Architecture
Animals in English Wood Carving
Le Bestiaire de Gervaise
The Bestiary (Eton College Natural History Society)
The Bestiary (History)
The Bestiary of Philippe de Thaon
Birds and Beasts of the Greek Anthology
The Caladrius and its Legend, Sculptured Upon the Twelfth-Century Doorway Of Alne Church, Yorkshire
The Early English Bestiary
An Encyclopedist Of The Dark Ages: Isidore of Seville
The History of Reynard the Fox
Introduction to Queen Mary's Psalter: Miniatures and Drawings by an English Artist of the 14th Century Reproduced from Royal MS. 2 B. VII in the British Museum
On the Legend of the Serra or Saw-Fish
The Old English Physiologus
Physiologus: A Metrical Bestiary of Twelve Chapters by Bishop Theobald
Reynard the Fox
Some Twelfth-Century Animal Carvings and Their Sources in the Bestiaries
S. P. N. Epiphanii, Episcopi Constantiæ Cypri, ad Physiologum
Symbolism of Animals and Birds Represented in English Church Architecture
The Symbolism Of The Goat On The Norman Font At Thames Ditton

PS: Since these are all older text compare them to more recent documentation - some things might have changed significantly with new research !
Enjoy !

Monday, July 9, 2007

"The foolish scribe

Just to get this thing started I'll simply post one of my latest award writs. I apologize for the picture quality but a pair of scissors happened to come too close to the scanner cable and I need to replace it before I can scan scrolls again :o)

This is an Order of the Trade Winds Trimaris blank loosely based on a 16th century German wood cut I found in the book "Landsknechte und Reislaeufer" by Matthias Rogg. It's W&N Gouache on 9x12 Bristol and black Sumi ink for the calligraphy. I have recently fallen in love with the cadels and pen flourishes of the Renaissance and this is a first attempt. It was a lot of fun and I'll continue to play with this particular artform with all its variations.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Gallery listing

Dear scribes !

Do you have an online gallery with your scrolls ? Does your local scriptorium have an online gallery of scrolls created over the year ? How about your personal scribal webpage ?

Send me your link and I'll include it in the gallery listing !


Scribes Yellow Pages

Would it not be great if we had a booklet, "Yellow Pages" style, with the best sources for all things scribal ?
Who is your preferred merchant for parchment ? Who has the juiciest walnut husks ? Where do you go if your paper supply is low and who has the best deals on brushes ?

Write up your best experiences in customer service and share it with your scribal buddies. I'd like to collect this knowledge here in the "comments" and then later turn it into a little booklet to hand out to veteran and new scribes.

What do you think ?

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Check Out Our Library

Out Trimaris College of Scribes Library catalog is online [hosted at Library Thing] and is fully searchable!

Put your own library catalog online and join the Trimaris Scribes Group!

Call for Articles

The Trimaris College of Scribes is calling for articles relating to the scribal, painting, and book arts of the middle ages.

We are seeking articles especially in digital form [pdf format] for inclusion on the Trimaris College fo Scribes website, possible inclusion in class and print materials for scribal education in Trimaris, and possible inclusion in Trimarian publications to assist with scribal education.All articles will be credited to the author with each use.

Please send articles [PDF format preferred] to melessee @ gmail . com

Mistress Melesse,
Chancellor of the Trimaris College of Scribes